Glacier Pool Systems

How To:

  1. Determine pool size (Gallons)
    • Note: round up to the nearest 5,000 gallons (use 1 disk per 5,000 gallons of water)
    • Ex. 18,000 gallons rounds up to 20,000 gallons
  2. Purchase the GPS pack accordingly
  3. Pre-installation
    • Clean & vacuum pool
    • Spritz: this is a low dose bleach treatment to bring your pool inline
    • Let sit for 24 hours
    • Vacuum
  4. Install GPS filters
    • Use the existing pool puck tower
    • A pool floater device or purchase our Iceberg floater
  5. Enjoy GPS’s rich mineral pool experience
    • Note: you will need to change your filters quarterly or for opening and closing your pool for the season

Treat yourself to the luxury your desire in our pure, refreshing mineral pools. Remove the harsh chemicals out of your pool experience. Simply replace your current chemically infused disks with the Glacier Pool Systems.